Tuesday 31 January 2017

S3 amazon buket transfer to another one s3 buket server copy to other sever

1) install amazon cli tool at local on cmd prompt
Command: sudo apt-get install awscli

2) add configuration details off existing s3 bucket [details needed: api-key,api-secret-key,region,response:json  ]
Command: aws configur

aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: gdsgdugdhasbfdsh3HSLQ
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: hdbfdbsfbdsjkfjkdn/c1bhjdvfadbshfbdsjhfb
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json

3)Create new s3 buket in amazon and in PRoperty>Permission section add_user for Everyone all access


aws s3 sync s3://current-buket s3://new-bucket 


5) How to access new bucket 

   -Login to amazon > mouse hover on Service  and go to Security, Identity & Compliance > IAM section

-  Create New user with S3 bucket access permission 

- Time of creating you get Api-key , secret-key and url save this credential 

or save csv file of credential 


 rails of S3 bucket by  CarrierWave :

File : config>initializers>carrierwave.rb



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