Friday 20 May 2016

Common Php String functions

1. Str_replace
$str  "You should eat fruits, vegetables, and fiber every day.";$healthy = array("fruits""vegetables""fiber");$yummy   = array("pizza""beer""ice cream");$new_str str_replace($healthy$yummy$str);

2. expode : Convert a String into array by separator
$str  "You should eat fruits";
$array = explode(' ', $str);

$array = ['You','should','eat','fruits']

3. str_split : Convert a String into array by separating every word
$str  "azad";
$array = str_split($str);

$array = ['a','z','a','d'];

4. strlen :length of string
 $str  "php str";
 $length = strlen($str); 
  Output => 7
5. str_word_count :Count no of words in string
 $str  "php str";
 $wordCount = str_word_count($str); 
  Output=> 2

6. strrev : Convert a String into reverse order
$str  "*azad!";
$revStr = strrev($str);

$revStr = "!daza*";

7. strpos :Search starting of word from string
$str  "*azad! is a nationalist";
$foundOn = strpos($str,"is");

$foundOn = 7;